Why do I blog? For whom? I don't know! But somewhere there is feeling that one day she would read it!
Otherwise who has so much patience to read your story. It all goes in vain and unattended.
Crossing the age of 18 the hormonal change or social awarness compells even the geeks to look the other side of life beyond books and all those geeky business.
Truely speaking I have nothing to share as my all love stories were a complete failure. No one even sprout from its bud.
I was responsible for meshing up everything and being a good boy! Yeah I tried to maintain my identity. It was good but it doesn't mean that I should have been so shy! If deep beneath my heart there was a feeling that I loved her then why did I supress it?
One big questions to all those successful people don't you get bored talking to same girlfreind for so long. Or you do change it?
It is good or not I don't know but as I feel humans by nature are not monogamers. You remember your crush changing each time you see a smarter gal. Seeing the situation from that angle I am lucky that each day I think of someone else. Each day is a new image talking with me in my dreams.
It is not the story of my disappointment but the realisation of the fact that sometimes waiting for someone gives more pleasure than actually meeting her!
Singles Rock..!!
Yeah....!Priya...Right,but when you love someone naturally,you won't get bored yaaar..!If you have the same feelings for more than one girl you are not in love you are just attracted momentarily...!
If you really want to realize it...just wait for the right match..!You will feel the difference and I am sure you'll publish something else that time..!In fact being in love is fantastic it inspires you day after day after day and after day...!and that inspiration ultimately results in a successful personality..!This is the way I think love is,it's not about talking to each other for hours or admiring beauty of each other but it's all about living more positively under the influence of someone beloved...and making her live even more enthusiastically with you...!
love,crush........hey are u confused???
do what u like
very good post
@ shailyam n ashish
thanks for your valuable comments ......... i do agree that I am somehow confused and I need love gurus like you people to clear my fundas
friends, i m 2 happy 2 read this blog. it has heightened my faith in this guy bcoz he has touched d most sensitive issue. at d age of 18 when sudden surge of hormones start affecting ur night dreams, u r not supposed to germinate mere a frienship with a girl bcoz there r other fields also to concentrate upon (after all they are having fascinating weapons that simply lure a guy provided he is a normal one).if u are falling in true love, always remember - you are making her let down - since wo ***** ki dhuli nahi hoti hain - she will always expect smthing other than what u will always be offering her. certainly there will be misconception and u will ultimately end in the wrong side bcoz there r lot others who will be offering xactly d same thing that she will be xpecting :)moral of the story - eye-teasing is the best way to bring happiness in ur life !!!!!!HAVE FUN BY MAKING FUN!!!!!!!!!
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